Budget dredge mtg goldfish
Budget dredge mtg goldfish

budget dredge mtg goldfish

I would be happy to tweak the list to remove the non-budget friendly cards from this list while finding a way to still have it function well. What cards would you need me to remove from the below list to make this list budget friendly? Easy to play, fun, aggressive and very competitive. I think a deck like Eldrazi would have a ton of appeal to new/budget players. I also modified the sideboard to make it significantly more affordable while giving you options against a variety of decks. It's basically my current Eldrazi list but I swapped out the only two maindeck cards that put it out of the budget price range with effective substitutes. Such a list will be very effective in any meta no matter how competitive. You honestly can't go wrong bringing the following budget eldrazi list to any tournament. Eldrazi is the most competitive deck in the format and you actually don't lose much in the conversion to a budget Eldrazi list. I am certain that a well tuned Eldrazi list would actually be the most competitive budget list in legacy. They can win a tournament or two against an unprepared meta but they are very easy to answer. The same goes to any glass canon budget decks like Elves and Belcher.

budget dredge mtg goldfish

Any deck packing 4 Leyline in the board will shut it down completely. Manaless Dredge maybe?Dredge is very easy to hate out. Th deck is insanely strong, and I am always ready to spread the gospel of Marit Thanks! Nice to know my hard work is appreciated! I am most certainly spearding the word on reddit and other sites. Thanks to the new B/G tap land the deck can actually be built 95% in tact for less than $300. I have a budget list that I am planning on putting into the article soon. Another powerful deck that I have been playing for over a year is Turbo Depths. Other favorites are Burn, Reanimator and Ooze strategies, and Enchantress. Both dredge variants are very powerful simply because if your meta is not prepared for it, they can sweep through opponents with sheer brute force and uncommon tactics. If you can't decide, can you give us a Top 3?This is tough to answer, because it depends a lot on your meta. Of all these decks, which one do you think is the most competitive one? In other words, which deck has the highest chance to win a tournament?

Budget dredge mtg goldfish